What do we need to do to steer this planet in the right direction? What are the challenges and why are existing efforts not providing tangible results? And most of all, what can be done to change this?
A lot of existing Net-zero ambitions, discussions and energy related strategies are like that of a ship, with holes in the bottom. Where everyone is focused on steering the ship in the right direction.”
Nicolas Waern
Except that it’s not just one ship, but an armada of ships, leaking, and not necessarily pointing in the right directions. A lot of innovation theatre going on in a lot of industries. The need for sustainable impact acceleration in all industries is evident. But why, and how can we get there? How do we get the behaviour change necessary to do a course correction that will lead to sustainable impact?
“Energy efficiency is particularly important in this decade, offering opportunities to reduce emissions quickly as well as reducing the overall investment requirements of net zero goals and making our net zero goals more achievable. As part of people-centred clean energy transitions, an emphasis on energy efficiency also provides an opportunity to create more jobs, support economic growth and industrial output. However, the current scale of energy efficiency action is not sufficient and there is a need to accelerate implementation on a global level.
· Faster action on efficiency-related measures can avoid an extra 95 EJ of energy demand by 2030 even as the economy grows
· Enhanced efficiency-related measures provide one third of the emissions reductions needed for net zero.”
The value of urgent action on energy efficiency
Doing something well, that shouldn’t be done at all
As discussed before, I believe we need to simulate the future to transcend the now. What this means is that we need to go from the impact we want, and reverse engineer that to the steps we need to take. Just calling for urgent action doesn’t cut it. We can see that. Because we don’t know how long it takes for actions to actually deliver any impact. So the whole premise of calling for action is flawed from the beginning.
One of the highlights however from the analysis above is related to the need for efficiency. Efficiency in the existing systems that we have. Because most of the time, it seems that we mistake the lack of effect with a lack of electricity. And a lack of real-time data with that also of transparency and granularity.
We need all of this, and more. But how? And what does this mean?
Going Nuclear
One of the best examples is something that I heard about the nuclear situation in Finland. If they had just spent a fraction of the money, they have been spending on building something new and shiny on making existing systems more efficient. They would not have needed to build the nuclear power plant. Something which Sweden obviously should take into account now that we are trying to build out new modular nuclear power plants to support electrification needs at scale.
For me, all of this is just a big joke which reminds me of the time when Steve Jobs was paraphrasing Gil Amelio. “Apple is like a ship, with holes in the bottom. And it’s my job to steer the ship in the right direction”.
Which brings back the urgency to make existing systems more efficient. Because building something new, that shouldn’t have been built at all, is such an enormous waste.
· Faster action on efficiency-related measures can avoid an extra 95 EJ of energy demand by 2030 even as the economy grows
· Enhanced efficiency-related measures provide one third of the emissions reductions needed for net zero
NZTwork – A decentralized part(s) of the global solution
There is a lack for granular real-time insight in what is going on behind the meter. A lot of grid owners are starting to pay out large sums to industries and real-estate owners if they can make visible to the energy producers what is invisible today. The reason for this is that they want to predict what will happen with the grid to have more balance.
As mentioned before, I have been architecting this Smart Energy System development project in Sweden since the last couple of years.
– Digital Twins of Smart Heating Systems
We are using a wireless mesh approach, to get real-time granular insight, and control from multiple sensors in the buildings. Where we are both partnering up with 3rd party analytics engines. And in the process of developing self-learning algorithms based on a contextual understanding of weather, and what energy mix is being used at any given point in time.
And six months ago, we started to think about how we could leverage this to create global impact. We being the founder of Conectric Wireless Mesh, Phillip Kopp. And a new acquantaince that was in the same crypto investment group as I was, “X” Xuezhi Hu.
We looked at Helium as a starting point and we wanted to do something similar. But, not just a data information network, but something that would make sure to deliver data, insight, and a pathway to action as well as impact. We are now a group of people who have rallied together to create value and impact on a global scale.
The impact being energy efficiency. And after a while we connected the increasing value as well as demand of Carbon Credits as a potential carrot to help companies, individuals, everyone, to save money while making money and providing real-time insight where there is none.
Modern tools in the right order
You can read more about it at NZTwork, or reach out directly if you want to know more. But in short we want to leverage the power of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations to create an insight marketplace for everyone to take advantage of. No vendor-lockin, just quality data that can be turned into information, insight, action, to deliver intended impact.
Where the difference to a lot of existing technologies and projects is that we have bi-directional command in real time at the heart of all of this. With multiple patents related to real-time grid control, frequency regulation and node balancing at its core. With a software stack that has been developed with blockchain applications in mind.
If we can help individuals, as well as companies save more energy, provide granular ESG reporting, and help them create carbon credits in the process, we believe we can accelerate the path to net-zero journeys worldwide. It has to be a wallet play. Pun intended for the initiated, but to be honest, it all has to be about money. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it is what the world is all about.
Saving money, making more money, and finding new ways of making money.
– This way, individuals will get help in saving money, with getting recommendations about how to optimize energy efficiency based on a contextual understanding
– Grid owners will get more transparency and can optimize grids much better leading to a system of system efficiency where they can provide better services, to more people faster
– Opens up new markets for frequency regulation, distributed energy plays, and also in the interim provides trusted carbon credits in real-time to a market where there’s an exponential demand, and a limited supply.
Incentivising/monetizing behaviour to realize maximum impact
Money. That’s the thing. The challenges with this is of course if we are contributing to more carbon credits in the market, then we are also somewhat perpetuating the status quo. However, with the acceleration of more effiency, and real-time insight, we have a much higher chance of reaching an intended impact faster. And time to value is everything.
Just imagine a future scenario where we can transfer energy from one side of the grid to the next one. As well as have decentralised grid control where smart grids and local energy communities are able to operate on their own. We are in the midst of signing up partners, advisors, and investors right now. Where my other day-job scaling up a global Digital Twin will also come in handy.
Examples being utilizing both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to better explain and disseminate knowledge as well as recipes for impact
· Oracle Explores the Future of Energy at New Smithsonian FUTURES Exhibit
· The future of Energy Walkthrough
If you have read this far, please tell me. Because I have no idea if anyone actually reads these articles or not. And if you have read this far and want to know more, or help change the world together, again, just reach out!
And like I always say, it’s my job to know what the future will do in a week, a month, a year from now. And if you want to create the future before everyone else? Reach out to me and we’ll make it happen!
Nicolas Waern
CEO, Founder and Digital Twin Specialist at WINNIIO Consulting
Nicolas Waern is the CEO, Strategy & Innovation Leader, and a Digital Twin Implementation Specialist at the consulting firm WINNIIO. He is a firm believer that the Real Estate Industry needs more of a lifecycle focus where we need to go Beyond Buildings and come back with an understanding what tools and technology we could use. And to solve the jobs to be done, together, with an open mindset.
Nicolas is working with leaders in several industries to understand how they can succeed in the age of AI. Predicting what the world will do in a week, a month, a year from now and to best utilize strategies and solutions that pass the test of time. He does this through a Digitalization- on Demand approach for anyone that needs to change before they have to.
Nicolas is also a Podcast Creator & Newsletter Editor for Beyond Buildings
Thought Leader regarding Smart Buildings & Building Automation for AutomatedBuildings
Speaker and Influencer Event Streaming Platforms as the Holy Grail for Industry 4.0 Applications
Subject Matter Expert Real Estate Digitalization Proptech Digitalization Expert
Active Member of Digital Twin working groups Digital Twin Subject Matter Expert